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Burns Optometry offers three different services. Continue browsing this page to learn more or click on the button on the home page to schedule an appointment. 

Contact Lenses

Dr. Burns and staff have access to just about every contact lens on the market. If you are interested in the newest 1-day contacts, multifocal contacts, astigmatism contacts, or basic contacts, we can find the one that is best for you.


Every eye exam, whether it is for contacts or not, comes with a prescription for eyeglasses. If you need progressive bifocals, sunglasses, computer glasses, or everyday glasses, we can prescribe what is best for your particular situation

Health check

We offer full, comprehensive eye exams with the recommended option of optomap retinal imaging, checking for any and all eye diseases, like cataracts, glaucoma, retinal detachments, macular detachments, or any others.

LASIK Co-Management

Dr. Burns had LASIK while living in Salt Lake City in 2004 after wearing contact and glasses for the previous 16 years! LASIK was the best option for him, and it may be the best option for you! Let him know if you would like to know more about this life-changing option!



With this option, you wear both contacts focused just for distance visio​n. This gives the best distance vision, but you will have to wear over-the-counter reading glasses for all your up-close​ visual needs.


With this option, you wear a distance contact in your dominant eye and a near contact in your non-dominant eye. This does not give you as good of distance vision as option number 1, but at the advantage of not needing OTC reading glasses nearly as much.


With this option, both eyes wear a contact that is focused half for the distance vision, and half for the near vision. Again, this does not give you as good of distance vision as option 1, but at the advantage of not needing the OTC reading glasses nearly as much.

Health Check:

Burns Optometry recommends Optomaping your eyes for every eye exam. This allows your optician to see the back and inside surface of your eyes to check for diseases that may not otherwise be seen. Click the 'Learn More' button to read about the story behind Optomap.


Who is a good candidate?

Any one who is dependent on glasses or contacts to see clearly at a distance and has had a stable prescription for 2 years after the age of 18.

When is the best time?

The sooner the better! Why?

1. The more years you get to enjoy it.

2. Everyone gets cataracts at some point.

3. Less money spent on contacts/glasses.

What is the next step?

Set up an appointment with Dr. Burns and he can discuss it with you to see if you would be a good candidate and would like a free consultation at the surgery center that he recommends. Dr. Burns does the co-management for many of his patients.

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